
Timing of the seasons

Timing of the seasons Many of us are familiar with Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (MSG) which we generally use to identify what type of season we are in and to also acknowledge that seasons begin and they do end. There’s a Right Time for Everything 1 There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth:…
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God, I think your watch is broken!!!

God, I think your watch is broken!!! Does that sound familiar? Everyday we are faced with situations that make us wonder if God's watch is broken. We hear on a regular basis that God's timing is perfect...hearing and understanding are two totally different things. One of the things that is hardest to grasp is that God…
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God Cares…even about the little things-Part 2

God Cares…even about the little things-Part 2 Every night, regardless of how tired I am, I feel like I absolutely have to let God know how grateful I am for everything He has done in my life that particular day.  It is amazing when you take the time to do that how it puts things into…
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Loving past the sin

Loving past the sin I was currently reminded about how many of us have been touched at some point and time in our lives by the spirit of adultery (spirit of lust).  It might have been in our own relationships or those of others that we hold dear.  Either way, adultery is unfortunately not uncommon in this…
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