God Cares…even about the little things-Part 1
Sometimes I sit here and think…I wish I had more money to do this and I wish I had more money to do that! If I had this amount of money, I wouldn’t have to budget so hard….I would just be able to buy anything I want, whenever I want. After possibly going on that tangent for awhile…I stop and I realize that if I did have all that money that I wanted…I wouldn’t get to see the miracles that I see daily. There would be no need for me to rely on God for most things unless absolutely necessary.
I wonder how many wealthy people miss the ‘little’ miracles? I wonder how many of us miss the ‘little’ miracles that don’t seem so much because it is not a fireworks display!! It is not someone being raised from the dead; it is not winning the lottery; it is not seeing someone healed from cancer….but if we take the time to look, we will see how life changing, how mind-boggling, earth-shattering, jaw-dropping, speechless-rendering are these miracles. I am sure it puts a smile on God’s face when we celebrate these ‘little’ miracles just as much as we would celebrate the big miracles.
We needed to replace the ink cartridges in our printer since around November 2010. Every time we would say that we were going to replace it, we couldn’t because the money would always go into something that required immediate attention. The response would be “Well replacing an ink cartridge is not that important”! To someone else you might say that you can’t believe that we couldn’t afford to buy an ink cartridge! You would be surprised the amount of things that come up to wipe out whatever monies you have put aside. I mean before that paycheck even comes in…it is already allotted to so many different things….Ok…with that all said…back to the miracle..
We hadn’t been able to replace the ink cartridges (specifically the black) and we wouldn’t miss it until we needed to print something. Then frustration would set in about why we couldn’t buy the cartridge just yet. Yesterday we had enough!!!! No matter what happened, we had to get an ink cartridge. I looked for coupons and couldn’t find any (even if I did find coupons-it is not like I could have printed them..hee hee)- so we would just have to suck it up and purchase it. We decided that if we got the cartridge refilled, it wouldn’t cost us as much as if we had to buy a new one.
Now for those of you that don’t think anything about it…..I have always had a habit of praying for sales on everything we need to buy…..and though it might sound strange to you…I have seen God do it every week. Every week we make our list and every week I pray and ask God for sales on everything we need and He has never let me down. In fact…I have been doing this for about 8 years and it has worked all 8 years.
Back to the miracle!! We went into the store and asked the sales girl about refilling the cartridge. She took it and began the process of cleaning, refilling, etc. While we waited…we noticed that she began to have difficulty with the machine. No matter what she tried, she was having an issue. She finally was able to fill the cartridge. The final step was for her to test it. I am not sure how many times she tested it…but eventually she looked at us and said “I am not sure what is going on, but even though the cartridge filled, the ink was not the true black it was supposed to be…it was looking faded!! If I can’t get it to print properly, I will just give it to you for free”!!! I began to smile, because I could see God in operation. Well, she wasn’t able to get it to print the ‘truest black’ so she gave it to us for free.
As we walked out of the store, I started to laugh and Praise God and I said to my sister “When we get home, this ink cartridge is going to print perfectly like we bought a new one. This wasn’t about us having the money-this was all about God being a Daddy and just wanting to do this for His baby girls”!!! Need I tell you the ending of this? When we got home and placed the cartridge in the printer….it printed like we bought a new cartridge!!! Ha ha
I couldn’t stop praising God and saying “Money or no money, I wouldn’t want to miss out on these type of miracles because it is always a reminder to me of how present, how loving, how much of a Daddy-God really is and I wouldn’t trade these experiences for anything in the world”!!
I hope you were blessed by this miracle and that it will encourage you to look for God to show up in areas you didn’t even think was important to Him…like needing a new printer cartridge.