Not So Deep But Powerful


As I sit here and reflect on my years of praying, I realized that majority of them might seem simplistic to most.  I do not have colorful clichés, neither do I remember exactly where to find scriptures and most of the time I paraphrase.  Don’t get me wrong, I know my Word, just I can’t necessarily tell you where to find it or the exact wording.  It leads me to believe that God does not so much care about if you can quote the Word, word for word, but are you in tuned to His Spirit.  Are you praying the Will of God.

We feel that the only way God will hear us or answer our prayers is if we can quote
scripture word for word and can tell someone in a heartbeat where to find it.  We are also under the impression that God is interested in us calling Him by all His names in order for Him to finally tune in to us.  That somehow we are not being respectful or reverent if we say God I need help.  If that is the case, what happens to the person that is facing an oncoming vehicle that is coming down the wrong side of the road?  What happens to the person who has just been shot and lays there dying?  What happens to those who suffer and cry out to God?  For those of us who have never endured any type of suffering that was unexpected (like any suffering is expected) we find that a simple “God Help” suffices.

For years I have been praying prayers such as God please make sure that everything we need at the supermarket will be on sale.  That might seem strange, but for those of us that have been in desperate situations with little or no money, have realized and experienced the benefits of that particular prayer.  No fancy words, no additional stuff to make my prayer seem deeper-but who has time for that?  I mean when Jesus healed people, He didn’t say by the power vested in me Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I call upon the One True and Living, Omnipotent,, Omnipresent, etc. He just told them simply get up and walk, be healed, demon come out, your faith has healed you.  Simple, to the point and effective.  Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with acknowledging who God is, but find yourself in a desperate situation and see how quickly you wrap up what you want to say to God.

Another thing that I have prayed for years is God please send some mechanic angels to protect our vehicle and to make sure that it is completely fine tuned and working in perfect condition.  I started praying that prayer when there were a series of car robberies and I would see my sister commute long distances to go to work and the car not being very reliable regardless of the maintenance that was performed on it. Once again, you might be saying what kind of weird prayer is that?  Well it says in the Word (you can find it for yourself) that God gave the angels charge over us.  He constantly is creating new angels for different purposes.  Recently we have experienced something that we have never had to deal with before.  To some it might seem small, for those that have never been a victim of a crime in anyway will understand.

Currently we are in a transitional dwelling which is in an upscale neighborhood which is very safe.  The crime rate is so low that some people in this neighborhood don’t even lock their doors. Well we got up this morning to go and run an errand when low and behold, I noticed that the small rectangular window that separates the back door from the back pane of glass had been smashed in and the car had been broken into.  All I could think was how?  The door had been left ajar and unlocked.  We called the police and all they could tell us was to file a report online. So we proceeded to check in the vehicle to see if anything was missing.  I can only tell you that once again I experienced the benefits of those small and humble prayers that asked for the protection of the mechanic angels.

The car was broken into, yes, but they didn’t smash any of the big glasses and when we checked in the vehicle, nothing was missing.  Since we have just moved, the truck contained not only clothes, but a brand new DVD/CD external hard drive, a printer and a fax machine. Not to mention bags of groceries and lots of CDs.  Now I would not have minded if they had taken the CDs because all that would have happened is that they would be introduced to Jesus Christ very quickly as we only listen to worship music.

All jokes aside, the damage was minimal and things that would have been expensive to replace were not taken even though they were on the backseat.  From the looks of things you could tell that the person had intentions of going into the vehicle to steal stuff, but something scared them off before they had a chance.  You might say coincidence or maybe there was nothing to steal.  I say something or someone scared them off before they had a chance to carry out their motives.

I can sit here and speculate, but why when I know what I have prayed for years. It was God who sent the mechanic angels to stand guard.  Nothing and no one else will get the credit for it. People don’t believe in angels and that is too bad because that means that they will have to throw out so much of the bible. Most times if God wanted to give a message to people or if He needed some things done, He sent angels.  An angel stirred the water in the pool that people got into in Bethesda to be healed.  Angels were sent to minister to Jesus in the desert. An angel brought the good news to Abraham, Sarah, Mary, and others. Angels are not above God, but He did create them for numerous purposes including being helpers-so why discount what kind of angels God can create to help in response to prayers.  Maybe no one has experienced mechanic angels because they never asked.

I say all of this to say, I have received criticisms from people about things I pray and the way I conduct myself with God, but the One who has every right to criticize me has not done so.  He loves my prayers and how child like they are.  When you were a child did you go to your mother or father and say “O Great, Loving, American, Pentecostal Daddy can I have……NO!!!  God said you have to become like a child to enter the Kingdom  of Heaven.  So next time you find yourself in a situation that seems desperate or appears like you have no options, instead of trying to be deep try praying the prayers of a child-after all aren’t we His children!!!

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